Latino Decisions Survey Takeaways

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On behalf of the Voter Participation Center, and in partnership with Voto Latino, Latino Decisions conducted a survey to assess the baseline, election-year opinions of Latinos. The 1,200-person survey includes 200 Latino eligible voters from each of six 2020 presidential battleground states that contain Latino populations significant enough to swing a statewide election: Arizona, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas. This is the first survey of 2020 to include robust samples of Latinos in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Conducted online between June 7 and June 19, the poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.8.

 Topics surveyed include: 

  • The 2020 election, voting and candidates: Likelihood and enthusiasm about voting in November; outreach efforts by the major political parties or candidates;

  • Black Lives Matter: Opinions about policing, protests and the reform movement;

  • Vote-by-Mail: Past experience with VBM, knowledge of state rules, confidence and trust;

  • COVID-19: Experiences and attitudes about the impact of the pandemic, and the policy and political response by governments and elected officials.

 Among the findings, Latino Decisions identified five key results: 

  1. Latinos, and especially younger Latinos, demonstrate a lower intensity or enthusiasm about the 2020 election than earlier in 2020 and at this point in 2016.

  2. While Joe Biden is winning Latinos 2-1, he is underperforming with Latinos relative to Clinton in June 2016 polling and has opportunities for growth.

  3. Latinos support the Black Lives Movement, believe police violence is systemic, and younger Latinos in particular see the protests as important.

  4. Latinos express low levels of information about vote-by-mail options and how the COVID- 19 pandemic may affect their ballot access in November;

  5. While certainty to vote may be low, Latinos can be mobilized and motivated to vote with specific, issue-based appeals. Expanding access and reducing costs of health care continue to be a top issue, as does fighting racial injustice against Latinos and Blacks.

Top Takeaways

  1. Latinos—especially younger Latinos—are less motivated to vote in 2020. 
  2. Biden has a large advantage over Trump, however Latinos express somewhat low enthusiasm for Biden.

  3. Political outreach continues to lag among already disconnected Latinos.

  4. Police reform and Black Lives Matter have captured the attention of Latinos.

  5. Latinos’ experience and familiarity with vote-by-mail is limited.

  6. COVID-19 continues to have a broad impact on the Latino community.

  7. Most Latinos find the Trump Administration’s rhetoric offensive and off-putting.

  8. Democratic vice-presidential candidates of color have potential for Latino mobilization.

  9. Health care and racial justice present important opportunities to mobilize the Latino electorate.

Read the Full Report Here.

See the Data

VPC Latino Decisions — Crosstabs

VPC Latino Decisions — State Results