Make An Informed Choice

Providing resources and tools to help voting-eligible citizens register and vote.

Center for Voter Information is a non-profit, non-partisan partner organization to Voter Participation Center. Together we have helped more than 6 million voters register and get to the polls in our history.

Together, CVI and VPC (Voter Participation Center) registered more than 1.5 million voters during the 2020 election. 

VPC/CVI together have generated over 4,800,450 Vote by Mail applications for the 2020 election.

Looking to Vote by Mail?

When we register and vote, we make sure our government represents all of us. Request your mail-in ballot below.​

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About Us

Center for Voter Information is a non-profit, non-partisan partner organization to Voter Participation Center, both founded to provide resources and tools to help voting-eligible citizens register and vote in upcoming elections.

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Voting Information

Can I vote early? Can I vote absentee? Do I need ID? When is the election?

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Question about a Mailing?