Got Mail from CVI?

The Center for Voter Information is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-governmental organization that has helped millions of Americans register and vote.

We send out voter registration forms and vote-by-mail ballot applications to eligible voters across the country. The vote-by-mail ballot applications are tailored to each state and accepted by state and local election authorities. In fact, we provide samples of our mailings ahead of time to top state election officials, to ensure we comply with all state laws. 

Signed, Sealed, Delivered.

We have included a pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope so that you can send your vote-by-mail ballot application or voter registration form directly to your state or local election office. The information is private, and only election officials will read it.

So please fill out the forms and participate in our great democracy!

Unsubscribe from our mailing list.*

*Please note that you may still receive some mail from us that was sent prior to submitting this form. Unsubscribing will remove you from our mailing list for all election cycles moving forward.