CVI Tracks Response to the Amazing Government Rescue Plan in the Battleground

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The Amazing Government Rescue Plan

It is hard to express anything but awe at the scale of the government effort that passed Congress at three different points, the last April 23rd. A remarkable 70 percent of voters received a direct payment into their bank account to deal with the crisis, and slightly more (73 percent) of the New American Majority and white working class women. That is pretty encouraging on the reach. At this point, 21 percent say they received a new unemployment insurance payment, with no drop off with the NAM and white working class women. At this point, 10 percent received a loan from the SBA and more for the NAM (12 percent). That could rise.

See the Data

Memo: Amazing Government Rescue Plan CVI Pandemic Tracking in the Battleground

Policy: Amazing Government Rescue Plan CVI Pandemic Tracking in the Battleground


Lala Kumakura,, (646) 828-0791