Biden’s Speech Produces Impressive Gains

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Dial meter viewers reaction to Biden’s Acceptance Speech

Vice President Biden delivered an acceptance speech that produced an exceptional response with the New American Majority (people of color, millennials, and white unmarried women), college women, and white working class voters — one that advanced the campaign’s strategy, defined him as a leader, weakened Donald Trump, and raised Biden’s vote margin. In our experience, the scale of shifts after watching a speech in such an artificial setting produces an exaggerated response, but nonetheless, the direction of the movement is always real. Biden’s gains on personal favorability and shift in the vote is impressive — and certainly, much bigger than anything Donald Trump achieved with his State of the Union addresses. 

On behalf of the Center for Voter Information and the Voter Participation Center, Democracy Corps on August 20, 2020, conducted online dial meter research during Vice President Joe Biden’s acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination for President, among 201 registered voters nationally. Key line groups include African Americans, Latinos, white millennials, white unmarried women, white working-class women, white college women, and white working-class men. 

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Memo: Biden’s Speech Produces Impressive Gains

Presentation: Biden’s Speech Produces Impressive Gains